School Board
Budget Publication:
Budget Publication:
CERTIFIED LEVY Notice: For the County, City or Township, and School District in which the parcel lies, the Certified Levy for the Current Taxes Payable Year, the Proposed Levy for Taxes Payable in the following year, and the increase or decrease between these two amounts, expresses as a percentage, and; Summary Budget Information for the current and prior year is available on the County Website and/or by contacting the Specific taxing Authority at no charge to the Property Owner.
CERTIFIED LEVY Notice: For the County, City or Township, and School District in which the parcel lies, the Certified Levy for the Current Taxes Payable Year, the Proposed Levy for Taxes Payable in the following year, and the increase or decrease between these two amounts, expresses as a percentage, and; Summary Budget Information for the current and prior year is available on the County Website and/or by contacting the Specific taxing Authority at no charge to the Property Owner.