All Staff Directory

To email an employee, please click on their name below.

Heather Anderson, Co-Cook

Charlie Bernstrom, Bus Driver

Mallory Bernstrom, Kindergarten Teacher

Mark Bernstrom, Dean of Students / Activities Director

Mendy Coffield, Business Manager

Macy Cosley, Paraprofessional

Anne Dalbey, Student Services Coordinator

Catherine Fernandez, Music K-12, Band Assistant 5-12

Brianna Knapp, Paraprofessional

Megan Hendrickson, Paraprofessional, Library Aide

Trent Jerome, Reserve Teacher

Denise Johnson, Paraprofessional

Tracy Klegstad, 2nd Grade Teacher

Chad Kujava, Physical Education / Health Teacher K-12

Lisa Lamberson, Paraprofessional

Taylor Langen, 5th Grade Home Room Teacher (4-5-6 English Language Arts)

Jason Langerud, Bus Driver

Chris LeDoux, Custodian

Grant Masloski, Custodian

Brooke McNeill, Paraprofessional

Laura McNeill, High School Math Teacher, CIHS College Algebra

Leah Muir, 1st Grade Teacher

Sandie Nelson, Art Teacher 4-12 and Paraprofessional

Julie Nordin, Band and Music Teacher K-12

Dylan Olson, Paraprofessional 

Sierra Olson, Paraprofessional

Jaime Peterson, Preschool Teacher

Michael Peterson, Industrial Technology Teacher

Laura Reese, High School Science Teacher 

Heather Rodin, Office Manager

Brenda Rodningen-Johnson, Preschool Paraprofessional

Lisa Rynning, 6th Grade Home Room Teacher (4-5-6 Social Studies and Science)

Alana Scalese, Food Service Director and Administrative Assistant

Autumn Schindele, 4th Grade Home Room Teacher (4-5-6 Math)

Andrea Sele, Title Teacher K-6 and Suburban Route Driver

Alaura Sjoegren, Paraprofessional and Van Route Driver

Emma Sjostrand, Paraprofessional

Tiffany Sjostrand, 3rd Grade Teacher

Kristi Steen, High School Language Arts and Spanish

Nicole Thompson, Superintendent/Principal

Cory Waling, High School Social Studies

Sadie Wallenberg, Co-Cook

Teresa Weleski, Paraprofessional and Bus Driver

Jamie Winterland, Special Education Teacher

Photographs are courtesy of Younggren Photography